Case Study > Venture Capital

Guiding a fusion startup assessment for a climate-tech venture capital firm with an expert team.

The client need

An early-stage European climate venture firm was conducting tech due diligence on a company developing tools for the fusion energy industry. The client was looking for a team of experts that understood the sector and related technologies.

Choosing Deepsense

Deepsense vetted a team of complementary, high-profile experts with senior experience at EUROfusion, Max Planck Institute, DIFFER, Fusion Energy startups, and leading universities.

The experts conducted a material review based on the available material, followed by a management call with the founding team. Based on these inputs, they compiled a comprehensive written Summary Report assessing the technical approach of the target, the proposed timeline, the feasibility of proposed economics, and aspects related to material usage and critical materials. The experts also proposed next steps and key questions to be answered when going forward with the due diligence.


Based on the input of the expert team, the client was able to comprehensively evaluate the claims put forth by the investment target and make a scientifically well-informed decision on whether to proceed with the investment or not.

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